Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whoa! Google Chrome has Crashed

That's the message that Google Chrome gives out when it real crash. Yes, It does Crash, says Rishi Narang from Evil Fingers

 According to Narang’s advisory :

“An issue exists in how chrome behaves with undefined-handlers in chrome.dll version A crash can result without user interaction. When a user is made to visit a malicious link, which has an undefined handler followed by a ’special’ character, the chrome crashes with a Google Chrome message window “Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart now?”. It crashes on “int 3″ at 0×01002FF3 as an exception/trap, followed by “POP EBP” instruction when pointed out by the EIP register at 0×01002FF4.”

There are couple of glitches reported too but I thought I should post this one since I pointed this special feature in one of my earlier posts.

Another problem with Chrome that I encountered is this:
When You want to open a link in the new tab, You usually either hold down CTRL and click the link or you press the scroll button on the link. These shortcuts doesn't work in Chrome. When you do this, a new tab is opened, but both the tabs will have the new URL in the address bar. However, Please note that this happends only for pages that contain frames.

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