Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Google Chrome!

I saw.I downloaded.I smiled.
This is one of those good things that happen to you when you keep getting those Fatal Errors on your browser and then the whole set of tabs that are open disappear just like that when the IE crashes. Well, I did get an error of some sort while using this beauty but guess what, all my other tabs remain! Guess what! This thing never crashes! That really kept making me use Chrome.
I noticed that Orkut and Picassa photos load much faster in Chrome. So, I guess it should be a faster browser too.
But I also observed that YouTube videos are loading a little slower compared to IE. But need to check it out again.
Another thing worth noting is the Large area in which a lot more Information can be fit in.

Later on, I went through the WebComic. I did try some of those tips in it. The way it works too is Xcellent. A product of Pure Simple Thinking.

But a serious problem remains. I miss my add-ons that I used to use on Firefox and IE. Most importantly, a google product again- Google toolbar because of which I can't bookmark the pages into my google account anymore.

I hope the guys at Google or someone comes up with these add-ons real real soon if they need people to hook on to GChrome completely! Anyways, I'm lovin it.

Well, I want to carry on this post a little longer since I want to showcase some of the best features of this browser:
  1. Task Manager : Google Chrome has its own Task Manager! It will list down all the open tabs and windows just like they are processes running. Well, they indeed are different processes running. Check it out on WebComic and you'll get it. Press Shift+Esc to get the Chrome Task Manager.
  2. Dynamic Tabs : You have this tabbed browsing capability in Google Chrome. But thats not all. You can carry around your tabs anywhere you wish. You can go ahead and make it a separate window if you wish. No need to Copy/Paste the address after opening a new window. Just drag it outside the "Tab Place-holders".
  3. UnderCover browsing : The Google guys call it Incognito browsing. When you are browsing incognito, all recording of your activities on the web using Chrome gets blocked. That means, if you access sensitive data through the browser and forgets to clear the history, that would'nt be a problem. Morever, no cookies and form fields will be saved on Chrome leaving no trace of where you have been on the net on the computer. Really useful on shared computers.
  4. Arrangement of History and the default new tab contents : Whenever, you open a new tab, it gives thumbnail views of screenshots of web pages from your history. Also, the arrangement of items on the history page resembles that even that is a web page. This last feature is present in Opera too.
  5. Large area : Google chrome gives you a very large Information displayable area which minimizes the usage of scroll bars. Browser Developers too are aware that scrollbars are a pain and not only the Web Designers.
There are many more which I've not yet explored. Please add comments if I've missed any.

And the best part of Google Chrome has not yet been spoken of in this post. IT IS 100% Open Source! Get the source here!. Hmm..Thinkin of building your own browser?! Better than the best,eh?

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